Simply Look

"Looking unto Jesus..." (Heb. 12:2)

We make everything so hard sometimes... But it all boils down to just one thing: You and your Savior, Jesus Christ. No long, elaborate answer for every question, just the simple "looking unto Jesus..." That's it.

He is the answer to the salvation question. He is the answer to every other question, too!

We weren't called to figure out every detail of our lives. We weren't called to know the answers to every question. We weren't called to understand why everything happens or what is going to happen. We're just invited to be still and look only to Jesus.

Even when it seems like the whole world is looking to you for the answer, He is the answer. Even when you feel like its up to you -it's not. Jesus can handle it. Just look to Him and Him alone... That's it.

Even when the day is filled with demands and people are pressing in on you, He is the answer. He can handle it. He's not weak -you are. He is strong!

"Looking unto Jesus..." and nobody else. Just Him. He said for us to be anxious for nothing, but rather pray with all supplication and thanksgiving and He will give you peace.... (Phil. 4:6-7) Look away from everything else, "set aside every weight," and simply look to Jesus.


Anonymous said…
Hey Sandie this is Hollie your blog is very nice!


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