My Life or Jesus?

"Lord, I've been so caught up in life that I've forgotten You.... Make me to become so caught up in You that I forget life!"

This was my prayer today after I read, reread, and meditated on Hebrews 12:1-2. This is what it says:

"Therefore, since we are surrounded by such a huge crowd of witnesses to the life of faith, let us strip off every weight that slows us down, especially the sin that so easily trips us up. And let us run with endurance the race God has set before us. We do this by keeping our eyes on Jesus, the Champion who initiates and perfects our faith..." (NLT)

We are to "strip off" all of the weights that are slowing down and leave them behind. As I read this, I was like, "how? How in the world do I strip off all the weights?" I just looked at those two words and prayed silently that God would open my eyes. And then I kept reading.... "We do this by keeping our eyes on Jesus..."

The connection began clarify itself in my mind. We have a choice: Eyes on Jesus, or eyes on something else. There is no in between. That is why we must strip off those weights!

And so, I must ask you a question: What is keeping you from seeing Jesus? I encourage you to ask Him and listen for the answer. He will give it. He is eager to have an intimate relationship with you. He won't hide the answer to that question from you.

When I asked Him, He gave me a whole list of things, and then He told me how they were pulling my eyes off of Him....

"Oh, Lord, what do I do now?"

A visual picture came to me. Those weights are like the weights they used to put on prisoners, like a chain with a weight on the end of it. It slowed them down so they couldn't easily get anywhere. But, child of God, we are not prisoners to anyone, because Christ has set us free! We only feel like prisoners and like we must obey the enemy, while all the while, Christ is ready to knock him down as soon as we cry for help.

It was, then, as simple as asking Christ to knock down the idols and renouncing their grip on my life. And then asking Jesus to take the place of Everything in my life.

...My friends, when He does that, everything is taken care of. Are you willing to let go of those things you think will satisfy and fulfill? Jesus does so much more to satisfy and fulfill than they ever will. His satisfaction is longer-lasting.

You see, when we let go of all those little things that we were holding on to and reach up with open hands towards Jesus, He will put something into your hands far greater and far more exciting than you ever dreamed of. And it will become a story of Jesus Christ Himself working in your life.

Do not be so consumed with life that you forget the One who gave you life. Rather, be so consumed with Jesus Christ that you forget your life.


Unknown said…
sandie, thanks for sharing these thoughts!!! my dad is in the hospital today, and even that has been a weight as I've allowed myself to react to little things that should be tolerable. eyes on is the best way to live!!!
Sandie said…
God bless you Hannah, with His peace. I know what that's like to have a dad in the hospital. I know its hard.... keep your eyes on Jesus. May His presence be more real than ever before to you.

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