Love in Pursuit

We naturally desire to be loved, and often, the only way to find love from others is to prove to them we are worth loving...

Haven't you ever felt that way? "That person won't love me until I..." ...And then you go and do it. After that, you have love that you worked for. You earned it because you did exactly what you knew he or she wanted you to do. That love is conditional, because the next time you mess up and don't do what they wanted, you've lost it -that respect you earned, that love you thought you had, gone.

Conditional love is very fragile. If you live to have that kind of love, your life is very fragile. Your joy comes in small doses, doses that depend on you. That joy is not real joy, because it is easily taken over when you fail to measure up.

There is, however, a love that is completely opposite. This love is a love that lives to pursue. It is the love of God.... it is God Himself, because God is love. (1 John 4:8, 16)

God's love is everlasting -without a beginning and without an end. God's love is perfect -without flaw, without any "down sides" to it. God's love is... unconditional. And, unlike that love that you have to work for, this love has been in pursuit of you since before the earth was created. It will pursue you until the day you die and for all of eternity it never will leave your side, dear Christian.

That love that you thought you had to work for is not the same love. You had to do something in order to be noticed, but God "noticed" you before you even had a chance to notice Him. You had to pursue that conditional love, but this unconditional love is different. God pursued you before you had a chance to see that He even existed and was worth chasing after.

Do you get it yet?

  ...You don't have to pursue Him in order to be loved, He already loves you and is in pursuit of you! 

"Surely Your goodness and unfailing love will pursue me all the days of my life..." (Psalm 23:6 NLT)

Notice it says surely -not maybe or possibly, not if I do something right- surely. Surely -without a doubt- His love will pursue you every day of your life. That leaves no days out. That means right now His love is in pursuit of you. That means tomorrow His love is going to be in pursuit of you. That means the day you die His love will be in pursuit of you. He never will stop His relentless pursuit of you. His love that never stops, never fails, is going to be pursuing you, seeking to win you.

"Don't you realize how kind, tolerant, and patient God is with you? Or don't you care? Can't you see how kind he has been in giving you time to turn from your sin?" -Romans 2:4 (NLT)

You are secure in this love. There is no failure that you could ever make that would cause Him to stop loving you. There is no place you could ever go, nothing you could ever do that would make Him stop loving you. He loves you and His love is in pursuit of you! He doesn't force anything on you, but He gives you all the time you need, because He is love...

...What person in this world would not want to be won by that kind of love?


this is so encouraging! thank you for sharing!!
Unknown said…
"...He is already in pursuit of you!"
Great quote! Thanks for sharing truth Sandie!
Anonymous said…
Thanks Sam! ;)

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