He Delights in Me

It is so easy to assume certain things about God, to assume certain things about the way He views me. 

This meditation below encouraged my heart along this line of thought this morning. 

Be encouraged as you read along. Maybe read it as though you yourself had written it. 

I needed it. It lifted my heart towards Him. 

May it do the same for you.

 "...He rescued me because He delights in me." (Psalm 18:19)

HE delights in me:

The God of the Universe. The King of kings. The sinless, perfect One. The One who sees all and knows all.

The One who sees me.

The One whose glance makes the earth tremble and whose touch makes the mountains smoke.

The One who needs only to utter a word and things are created out of nothing, miracles happen, lives are forever changed.

He DELIGHTS in me:

That God (the only God) delights in me. He smiles when He thinks of me. There is pleasure in His heart over me. He rejoices over me with singing. 

I bring Him joy.

He is not sad about me, but happy.

He is not angry at me but pleased.

I do not make Him feel repulsed, but overjoyed.

The fact that I need rescuing doesn't frustrate Him but draws Him to me because of the delight He takes in me.

He is not disappointed in me but satisfied.

He delights in ME:

Yes, me.

Not just that person over there who does everything better than me.

Not just the person who always has a smile on his or her face.

Not just the one who is accomplishing "great things" for God.

Not just the one who seems to have it all together.

We are talking about me...

Though I fail Him way too much.

Though I have many flaws.

Though I am not accomplishing anything spectacular.

Though I don't have that perfect personality I sometimes wish I had.

Though I don't have it all together.

Though I feel like I'm falling apart most of the time.

Though I disappoint myself a lot.

Though I am weak and needy.

Yes, He does indeed delight in me. 

Why, you ask? 

Because I was created in His image, stamped with His very fingerprints, intricately woven together by His master-creator skills. (Psalm 139)

Because I have been robed in the righteousness of Christ, forever blameless before God without a single fault due to the blood of His Son Jesus. (For more on this, read my last post.) (Colossians 1:21-22)

Because I have been made alive together with Christ, I am a little sister to Christ since He rescued me through His death and resurrection. (Colossians 3:3)

Because I am a daughter of the Most High God, loved by Him as He loves His own Son, Jesus. (1 John 3:1)

Because He has removed my sin from me as far as the East is from the West. (Psalm 103:12)

Because I belong to Him. (1 Corinthians 6:19)

Yes, He does indeed delight in me.

Oh soul, look up and see His smile. He rejoices over you with singing. He loves you with everlasting love. You are forever secure in Him.

Breathe in afresh His grace. He is good to you. 

"For the Lord your God is living among you. He is a mighty Savior. He will take delight in you with gladness. With His love He will calm all your fears. He will rejoice over you with joyful songs." (Zeph. 3:17)


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