A Simplified Focus

Our world is so complicated, isn't it?

And as a result, our thinking can get complicated, too. 

I don't have a lot of say to elaborate on this, but I'm sure every person who reads this feels it to one degree or another.

So, I want to introduce some simplicity into your soul, if you will let me.

Take a minute to breathe as you read this, and remember we were made for simplicity in Christ. (2 Cor 11:3)

If you are a follower of Christ, may the eyes of your heart zero in on Him as you read this, and may your soul settle into His peace. You were made for rest, so find rest in Him. (Psalm 62)

And if you are not a follower of Christ, be refreshed by the idea that you, too can have simplicity in Him. It's yours for the taking. He is pursuing you with His relentless love, too. (John 3:16)


"I love You, Lord; You are my strength." Psalm 18:1

The simplicity of this verse will quiet your soul if you let it.


"I love You, Lord..." 

My love only needs to be focused in one place -Jesus. Worrying about how to love others or respond to others takes away from that focused love. 

Oh, my soul, just focus on loving Him.

That person you are worried about -He is more than capable of meeting their needs. And if He wants to use you to do it, you will be ready if your love is focused on Him.

Those circumstances -great and small- that consume you -He is able to control those things.

My soul, be consumed with Christ. Set all your affections on Him.

Set aside even those good things that worry you and just focus on Him. 

Those passions that often get pointed elsewhere -point them onto Him. Make Him your only passion.

Those thoughts that get so preoccupied with other things -get them preoccupied with Christ.

Let Him be your all-consuming thought.

Let Him be your all-consuming desire.

Let Him be your all-consuming dream in the night.

Let Him be your all-consuming love and devotion.

Let Him capture your loyalty.

Let Him capture you.

Then you can say with the psalmist, "I love You, Lord."


"...You are my strength."

Not my personality, not my giftings, not my intelligence, not my family or my upbringing; just Him.

He is how I get up in the morning.

He is how I respond with kindness to those around me.

He is how I reach into others' lives and touch them.

He is how I don't give up.

He is how I live and serve, making Jesus look amazing.

He is how I know what to do next.

He is my wisdom for decision making.

He is my strength to love people, no matter who they are.

He is my strength to choose Him over everything else.

He is how I am not moved when trials come.


His strength is strong enough to...

Put a smile on my face when there seems to be nothing to smile about. (Philippians 4:4)

Give me a song in the night. (Psalm 42:8)

Lift me out of darkness. (Psalm 18:16

Give me courage to take another step. (Joshua 1:9)

Not despair over the evil that seems to run wild in the world around me. (2 Cor. 4:8)

Anchor my heart in every storm. (Hebrews 6:19)

Support me when I am in distress. (Psalm 18:18)

Love those around me with a laying-down-my-life sort of love, like Jesus. (John 15:13)

May the simplicity that is found in Christ arrest your soul and may you find yourself seeing the world through His eyes as a result of it.

Dear, much-loved child of God, if you have been distracted from Him -whether because of things happening in your personal life, or the things happening in the world around you, can I just encourage you to reset your focus? 

It is never a bad time to turn your gaze upward to Him. 

His eyes are always on you, His arms are always open to you, and nothing can ever separate you from His love.

So, turn to Him now, and choose afresh to set your face like a flint to focus on Him, no matter what is happening, for He is the only way you or I will ever reveal any glimpses of heaven to those around us. 


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