Soul-counsel; Hidden Riches

I often write to my soul in psalm-style, acknowledging the feelings and struggles that are there, but then proceeding to counsel my soul with truth. It is he or she who "speaks the truth in his [or her] heart" that is given a clearer glimpse of God. (Psalm 15). 

With that being said, I will be posting on here some examples of what that looks like for me in hopes that they will encourage you that it is indeed possible to have a soul-full of feelings and a day-full of less-than-ideal circumstances and still walk victoriously because of who we are in Christ and where we stand before God. 

I penned the one below this morning as I was processing through some challenges that I am going through lately.... Hope it lifts your gaze upward as it did mine! 

“I will give you the treasures of darkness and hidden riches of secret places, that you may know that I, the Lord, who call you by your name, am the God of Israel.” -Isaiah 45: 3 

Oh soul, why do you struggle against being lifted with joy in trials? Don’t you know He has treasures for you here?

You still believe it would be better to have no challenges, don’t you? You trudge into each cave so easily filled with self-pity. 

But, soul... What is there to pity when you have such an incredible opportunity to know God and experience His riches? 

How can you forget so easily that God only has good in mind for you and not harm? 

Oh soul, if only you could see.... Look up, and let Him show you.  

Weight is intended for strength training. Darkness is intended to be a place of mining for treasures. Weakness is intended to make way for His power.
 Oh soul! Stop looking at how these circumstances make you feel and look at Jesus! Isn’t He proof enough that God never will leave us in a place of pain and apparent defeat? Look! He is alive. And He smiles. His suffering didn’t ruin Him. 

And your suffering wont ruin you.

My soul, however discouraged and strengthless you feel, you must remember this: Everything you see and feel is temporary. But the Unseen One is eternal, and where He has placed you- the real you, the new you -is an eternal place. For you are in Christ, and nothing can change that. 

Nothing lessens His resolve to remain faithful to you. Nothing limits His ability to surge into your weakness with eternal, supernatural strength. 

Yes, my soul. He has what you need in this moment available to you. Open up your hands and receive it. He always gives more than enough.


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