On New Years Resolutions...

It's the new year... It's the time when everyone thinks through what they want to change about their lives, and then set goals for the upcoming year that should spur that change on. It's called a New Years Resolution. It seems many set them, and then forget them. Is that what you do too?

Yesterday, which was the very first day of 2014, I sat on the front porch pondering last year, talking with God about what kind of year I wanted this one to be. 

2013 for me...
In the year 2013, I was able to travel to 5 different countries, three of which I had the awesome privilege of using my Spanish speaking skills that God has so graciously given me. I got to see the awesome power of God at work in the lives of people from so many different cultures and backgrounds, and see Him save the LOST! I am amazed at how He can do such amazing things!

Many events took place this year that shook my world, that caused me to see that life is bigger, and God's purposes are greater, than anything I can dream up for myself. Yes, some things that took place were extremely difficult, while others brought pleasure that I'd never known before. But I wouldn't trade any of those things out of this past year for anything. 

So now, what about 2014?
After considering all of this, I had a strong desire for more -much more- fruitfulness than I've ever known before.... And doesn't God want this too? Oh, how I don't want this year to mean nothing to God! I don't want to come to the end of 2014 ashamed, wishing I would've done more for Him!

At the same time, I had yet another overwhelming feeling... I can't do it. It was a sinking feeling that sat deep inside me and wouldn't go away. It is a feeling that often tags along whenever I go to serve God. Often, I make the mistake of using it as an excuse to do nothing... Other times, God uses it to drive me to my knees in prayer and to cast myself onto Him to do with me as He pleases. 

When I've done the former, I missed out! But when I did the latter, what blessing, and what fruitfulness! 

Death is the key...
Jesus said this: "I tell you the truth, unless a kernel of wheat is planted in the soil and dies, it remains alone. But its death will produce many new kernels-a plentiful harvest of new lives. Those who love their life in this world will lose it. Those who love their life in this world will lose it. Those who care nothing for their life in this world will keep it for eternity. Anyone who wants to be my disciple must follow me, because my servants must be where I am. And the Father will honor anyone who serves me." (John 12: 24-26)

It is true that you and I do not have the means in and of ourselves to bear fruit, but Christ has called us to bear fruit, and the only way to do so is to die! Not dying means you bear no fruit. If the seed doesn't fall to the ground and die, it remains alone. That means that whatever state it was in before it had the opportunity to die and didn't is going to stay that way; alone, not multiplying, useless for the kingdom.

Die to yourself, die to your right to decide if you can or can't, die to your own capabilities or lack of them, die to your own dreams and goals, and live in the One who can make you to bear fruit! It is impossible apart from Christ!

In the passage above, Jesus said "...my servants must be where I am...". In John 15, Jesus said, "Apart from me, ye can do nothing." Paul, in the book of Philippians, chapter 4, says, "I can do all things through Christ, who strengthens me." 

It is useless to set goals for the new year unless they are inspired by God, who has a will for your life, and backed by His power that is capable of changing and revolutionizing your life! 


Anonymous said…
Sandie, hello there...
I've been following your blog for maybe a month and a half... when I found it I felt like I found a gold mine, truly. I've made your acquaintance before at one of the regional conferences a couple years back and I couldn't forget the love and passion that I saw in your eyes.
I have been so blessed, challenged, and inspired by what you've written. And this... Jesus knew I needed this badly this morning. This past week I've felt like I just "can't" anymore. But I don't have to. Have I really forgotten that it's me dying and Christ living through me?
Thank you for allowing yourself to be a vessel through which the Lord is working. I'm just one of many lives that you've touched without realizing it.
Sandie said…
Hello Grace,
Please forgive me for the long delay in responding to your comment. I just wanted to thank you for taking the time to encourage me by telling me what God is doing in your life! I can only give praise to the Lord for the things you see here. God bless you!

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