It's No Secret

"Nothing in all creation is hidden from God. Everything is naked and exposed before His eyes, and He is the One to whom we are accountable." -Hebrews 4:13

Think about it.

You are always before His eyes. He searches and knows you. There are are many things you may be able to hide from others, but there is nothing you can hide from Him.

He's seen you at your worst.

He's watched as you compromised the very things you said you believed in. He's listened as you whispered hateful words towards another human being. He's watched as you turned on your computer and browsed page after page on the internet. He's watched as you welcomed thoughts and ideas that you knew were wrong into your mind.

He was there in those times when you doubted Him, when you asked yourself why you even believed in Him, when you considered trading Him for something else that you thought was worth more. Yes, even then, He was watching.

Oh, but not only that, your secret feelings, your innermost desires, the things you dwell on when nobody is around -those things- He sees them too.

He listens in when you sit around with your friends and slander others. He weighs your words when you tell those "little white lies". He watches as you defraud your sisters or brothers in Christ, dear Christian. Those "little things" you can get away with, He notices them too.

Not only does He know everything you do, feel, want, think, and say, but He also knows the reason why...

"...Everything is naked and exposed before His eyes..." 

He knows the deepest yearning of your heart, the thing that motivates you to do what you do. He knows why it is or isn't Him. He knows if you have truly chosen Him with all of your heart.

...Why am I telling you this?
I'm not trying to scare you, but as I contemplated what it means when it says God knows and sees everything -yes, and that means everything- about me, it brought tears to my eyes. Here is what struck me:

He knows how often I fail Him, and He sees every mistake I make, and YET, He loves me! 

This holy, perfect God, whose requirement for heaven is that we be perfect, knows how horribly imperfect we are, and yet He still loves us and provided for us a way to have His perfection marked upon us through His Son, Jesus... How incredible! It baffles me to think of it!

And one day, everything that He sees, we will see too, and we will be asked to give an account.

Does that thought bother you? Are you living in such a way that you won't be ashamed when you see Him? Dear Christian, everything you are doing right now is not a secret to God. If you think it is, you are fooling yourself. And one day, He's going to ask you to give an account. Why not live your life sold out for Christ?

If you find that your life is not glorifying God, it's not too late!

Confess sin to God: "But if we confess our sins to him, he is faithful and just to forgive us our sins and to cleanse us from all wickedness." (1 John 1:9)

Be honest about yourself to God, yourself, and others: "But if we are living in the light, as God is in the light, then we have fellowship with each other, and the blood of Jesus, His Son, cleanses us from all sin." (1 John 1:7)

Confess faults to others and get accountability: "Confess your sins to each other and pray for each other so that you may be healed. The earnest prayer of a righteous person has great power and produces wonderful results." (James 5:16)

...If God offers us so much grace, then why not take it?
Let us take hold of that grace He offers us, and walk in the victory Jesus Christ alone can give, knowing that -yes- He sees us, but He also wants to help us and has given us all we need to live a life that brings pleasure to Him! His love is everlasting!


Unknown said…
Wow! I read this verse in my Bible reading this morning and have been thinking on it all day! Thank you so much!

What a Saviour! To love us when he knows EVERYTHING about us! But even more so... what a challenge! Oh to glorify our Saviour, who gave his life for us and loves us so, in everything that we do. Even the thoughts and actions nobody on earth will ever see!

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