Why This Moment?

"You see me when I travel, and when I rest at home. You know everything I do." -Psalm 139:3

Life gets pretty frustrating at times, doesn't it? 

I was feeling that way about the mundane; done with it. Then I asked God, "what am I missing?" He reminded me of this Psalm. When I got to verse three, I had to stop and read the last phrase again. 

"You know everything I do." 

 Doesn't that mean that He sees and knows about the things that frustrate me? He knows I'm frustrated because of their lack of "importance"?

Then why would I think of them as not important? If it's important enough for God to know about it, then it IS important! 

"You saw me before I was born. Every day of my life was recorded in your book. Every moment was laid out before a single day had passed." -Psalm 139:16

Every single moment was planned before you and I were born. Even the ones that we don't like or think matter. 

"Why?" I wonder at times, "Why this one?" 

Those moments where I'm cleaning a house, or washing the dishes, teaching lessons, running to the store for needed groceries...

Those times when I'm journaling, reading a book, talking to a family member or a friend, giving counsel to a loved one....

Those times where I make mistakes, say the wrong thing, embarrass myself, act awkward, can't think straight, wake up feeling like I can't face another day...

Every single one of those moments matter to God. Why?

"And we know that God causes everything to work together for the good of those who love God and are called according to His purpose for them." -Romans 8:28

The mundane things are included in that little word "everything". The problems in life do too. Every little moment adds up in God's sight. He works them all together for good. Eventually, every moment will fit together into a bigger picture that you will look back on and see as beautiful. 

Isn't that something to be grateful for? 

A picture is not complete without shadows and light, as well as colors of all sorts. By themselves, black looks bleak, white appears bland, red comes across as loud, blue speaks too softly... But together, they paint beauty that you could not have dreamed of. 

Each moment is of greatest importance to God. It is always for your good. This moment is for your good. The next moment is also for your good.

I'm learning to remind myself as I go through the day, "This is for your good." You should too. His Holy Spirit is building up within us through everything an awareness of the amazing creativity of God and His mysterious ways of painting beauty through broken lives.

The best part is, He wants to have His hand in every aspect of your life, because those moments truly do matter to Him. So let Him work, my friend. With gratefulness accept each moment as a gift from His hand, through which He will paint the most beautiful picture you can imagine. 


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