A trip overseas... IN [Just over] TWO WEEKS!!!

Only a couple of weeks ago, I was asked to consider going to Australia and New Zealand to help with some girls retreats over there.

These retreats are called Journey to the Heart. They are ten days long and girls come to get away from everything so they can get alone with God and find out more of His heart. It is incredible the things that God does on the retreats! I've been doing them for several years, and have watched as God changed life after life.

At first when asked, I was thinking it would be impossible for me to raise the funds for a trip like that in so short a time. I was told that most of the trip was covered. I would just need to raise $1200 for the trip. 

Some of the Aussie girls I was blessed to serve January 2013.
What a privilege to take part in God's work in their lives!
As I started praying about it, I began to have the distinct impression God wanted me to go... But how? I can't afford that! No, but God can. So I replied with a "yes" and promptly began to do what fund raisers do -that being raising funds, but not with much success.

This past Tuesday, I was feeling discouraged. Reality started sinking in. Where in the world would it come from? 

Before I went to bed, I wrote out a prayer to God. Sometimes I write prayers when I feel I can't adequately say what I'm thinking. Part of me was beginning to doubt that God even wanted me to go... why did it seem overly impossible for this one to happen?

I closed off the prayer with Amen, closed the journal and opened my bible. The first verse that caught my eye was Jeremiah 14:22. It says this:
"Can any of the worthless foreign gods send us rain? Does it fall from the sky by itself? No, you are the one, O Lord our God! Only You can do such things. So we will wait for you to help us." 
Clearly, God was telling me I didn't need to worry about it! Trusting man will do no good, but look to the One who can give and do over and above all that I could ever ask or think!

Then He reminded me that if I want provision, I must ask for it. "Ye have not because ye ask not." (James 4)

So that night and the next morning I thought more and more about this verse and began to specifically pray for the provisions only He can give. Yes, Lord... I realize that You will provide!

Later that day, I prayed with some others about this, and someone I hadn't thought of walked up to me and handed me an envelope with $100! Praise the Lord!

Be encouraged, dear Christian! Whatever God calls you to do, He will provide! I'm excited to see how He will provide the rest. :)

If you would like to take part in this mission trip, the most effective thing you can do is pray. Pray with me for revival to take place among those that will be attending these retreats. Pray with me for the provision necessary for this trip. Pray that God will be glorified and His name lifted up on high. And then do whatever God leads you to do. 

If He's calling you to be a devoted prayer warrior, obey Him. If He's calling you to give, obey Him. Only do as He bids you, and do it in such a way that He will be magnified!


Unknown said…
Do you have an address I could send something to?

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