Every Girl's Battle

I walked all alone down the leaf-strewn sidewalk, my hands in my pockets. A dark figure came out of the shadows and walked towards me. I could not make out who it was, but I sensed an evil about him -an evil that threatened my beautiful surroundings. And then he spoke in a forceful tone. "You had better face it. You are alone, and it will always be that way. Nobody really loves you. You just think they do. Really, though, you are alone."

I tried to fight back the tears as the reality of his words sank in. Was it really true? People seemed to like me, but really, did they?

It seemed true enough. I was all alone in this world. Nobody really wanted to know what I had to say or think. It was just me, and that was it. Deep in thought, I failed to notice that the dark figure had left me to think about his lies alone.

What was I to do? As I molled it over in my mind, a voice whispered softly in my ear, "Talk to Jesus."

"Lord Jesus, I feel alone right now," I spoke aloud, daring to disrupt the silence with my voice.

And then it happened. Jesus was there beside me, walking with me over the many fall leaves towards my destination. His kind voice penetrated the wounds that had just been dealt.

"My daughter, you are not alone. I have promised that I would never leave you nor forsake you." And then He did something I did not expect. He offered me His hand.

I looked at His hand, unsure whether I should take it or not. My hands were still in my pockets- they seemed glued there. Could I trust Him? That same gentle whisper: "You can trust Him."

Slowly, I slipped my hand out of my pocket and placed it in His. No, this was no joke. Jesus meant to walk with me every step of the way.

...This kind of battle goes on in every girl's life. But Jesus calls us to remember that He is always there. He is the perfect Friend. Satan's goal is to get your eyes off of Him, and if he can succeed, then he has won most of the battle already.

Get your eyes on Jesus, dear girls!


Anonymous said…
Very beautiful! =)
Esther Maria said…
so true, and SO wonderful!
Phia said…
Excellent stuff, Sam! =]
Katie said…
Thank you so much for sharing this!

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