A Clear Reflection

It is impossible to see what is not shown to you...
It is hard to want to live truth if you haven't seen it lived... 
Its difficult to want what you don't see others craving...

And there are too many people who aren't drawn to Christ because they don't see Him alive and real in the lives of Christians. They look, and the only reflection they see is a reflection of the inner soul of the one before them; a reflection of their dirty, sinful nature.

But Christ has called us to much more than that! We are to reflect His character: we are to reflect His love, beauty, kindness, meekness, righteousness, etc.

Lately, God has been putting me on the spot. "Sandie, where are your eyes? Are they on Me?" You see, we, "....with unveiled face, beholding as in a mirror the glory of the Lord, are being transformed into the same image from glory to glory, just as by the Spirit of the Lord." (2 Cor. 3: 18)

If your eyes are not on Christ, He can't change you. If you are not beholding His glory, He won't transform you. Looking at anything other than God keeps us from that. It is not you that can do anything about you. It is God!

And when we do have our eyes on Christ, He makes your life so amazing that others can see Him in you!

From the time God began to move me in that direction, He began to ask more and more of me, but as I gave, He gave me much in return! There is no price too great that He can not restore the cost many times over.

You see, if you are holding onto the things this world offers, you are making your life only a dim reflection of God -or worse, no reflection at all. People cannot see Him in you when this world is your life, and when you are tainted by worldly things. But when this world is given up to God, He clears the mirror, and the dim reflection becomes clearer, making your life an example to many!

There is nothing more rewarding than that -can I tell you?

How do I know? Well, after all those times of giving up things to God, painfully letting go of things I wanted to keep for myself, giving God my will, I got to have an amazing pleasure....

I got to lead someone to the knowledge of God's Son JESUS!!! 

But God waited until I was done holding onto my life to do that.... You see, a dim reflection has little power. A mirror that is crowded by dirt makes for a difficult one to see in.

Cleaning that "mirror" is a daily choice. We are the ones who recognize our need, and God is the One who cleans us. As we behold Him with "unveiled face", He transforms us and makes us more and more into a clear reflection of His Son, Jesus Christ.

....Do you want to be transformed? Let's seek to have God make us a clear reflection of Him!


Mary M said…
yes...very true

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